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Income, Taxes, & Employment

Josh will work at the State level to reduce taxes for working families to increase the take-home pay for all North Carolinians.

Josh will work at the State level to eliminates the sales tax on all grocery items within the State of North Carolina.

Josh will work at the State level to reduce interest rates for public loans, private loans, and credit cards within the State of North Carolina.

Josh will advocate for a transition to a 4-day work week for all public and private employees in North Carolina to: 1) improve job satisfaction, 2) boost employee productivity, and 3) increase employee wellbeing.

Paid Family Leave

Josh will work at the State level to implement paid family leave for all public and private employees who experience the birth of a child, have adopted a child, or have had a foster child placed into their home.

Women's Rights

Josh will work at the State level to ensure all women in North Carolina can make independent decisions regarding their own healthcare.

Josh will work at the State level to provide abortion exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother.

Criminal Justice Reform

Josh will work at the State level to review and reassess the sentences of all offenders with non-violent drug offenses related to marijuana.

Josh will work at the State level to ensure all public schools are assigned a minimum of two law enforcement officers for security purposes.

Josh will work at the State level to holds law enforcement officers and agencies responsible for a lack of response during acts of terror, such as school shootings. Law enforcement officers and agencies must be held accountable when they fail to respond during a time of crisis.

Josh will work at the State level to implement realistic gun control measures such as requiring all sellers of firearms in North Carolina to complete a background check on the purchaser prior to the sale of the firearm.

Josh will work in support of ongoing legislative efforts to reduce the illegal sale of marijuana in North Carolina and improve public safety by establishing a state-licensed public marketplace to control and tax the retail sale of marijuana for adults 21 years of age or older. Legalization will: 1) reduce crime, 2) prevent fentanyl overdoses, and 3) allow North Carolina to use the generated state revenue to increase teacher pay, improve schools in impoverished communities, and expand healthcare services in rural areas.

Health Care & Social Security

Josh will work at the State level to ensure that medical and mental health services remain affordable for all North Carolinians and are expanded into rural communities.

Josh will work at the State level to keeps insulin and other prescription medications affordable for all North Carolinians 

Josh will work at the State level to support legislation that strengthens and protects social security and medicare beneifts for North Carolinians.

Teacher Pay & Education

Josh will work at the State level to ensure all public school teachers in North Carolina have a minimum starting salary of $50,000.

Josh will work at the State level to ensure public school funding is not redirected to private schools.

Josh will work at the State level to eliminate "no-fail" or "no-zero" policies across all public schools within North Carolina to ensure students are adequately prepared for college and future career opportunities.

Josh will work at the State level to prevent school districts from having teachers apply for grants related to additional funding, supplies. or equipment.

Equality & Civil Rights

Josh will work to ensure all North Carolinians are provided equal protection under the law by advocating for and protecting the civil rights of people of all races, religions, ethnicities, countries of origin, marital statuses, family statuses, ages, textures or styles of hair, sexual orientations and gender identities, and physical or cognitive differences of any kind.

Josh will not support legislation that allows anyone under the age of 18 to receive medical care related to gender transition. This includes medical care in the form of surgery.

Eliminating Corruption & Preserving Democracy

Josh will work at the State level to initiate term limits for all municipal, local, and state elected officials.

Josh will work at the State level to initiate yearly physical and mental health screenings for all elected officials within North Carolina and that those screenings be made available to the public within 90-days of completion, and no less than 90-days prior to any election.

Josh will work at the State level to ban all elected officials and their spouses from insider trading within the stock market.

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